We met this very nice man and his dog while sitting on I 75. There had been an accident a few miles ahead and Bumper the dog was barking madly at us out the window.
We discovered that Bumper has been on the road with his driver for 11 years. She's called Bumper because when she was a pup she kept bumping into the side of the truck when she tried to jump in.
Bumper has only jumped out once in their 11 years together. Her person thinks it was too big of a jump and that she didn't want to do it again!
We chatted a few minutes and Bumper got a walk down the median. In our conversation we told Bumper's person about our mission trip. He gave us $20 towards our next trip.
Keep Bumper and his buddy in your prayers, as well as the accident victims.
- Posted using my iPhone and Blogpress.