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Monday, July 6, 2009
OHPC Mission Trip Fund Raiser
We're getting ready for our annual mission trip! We're heading off to Eoila, Kentucky http://www.mcc.org/swap/locations/eolia/ We'll be working with the Mennonite Central Committee of the Great Lakes Region, in their program known as SWAP, Sharing With Appalachian People. We're leaving July 27 and will return August 1. We have ( at last count) 21 people going. This is pretty amazing since the size of our congregation is about 138 members. So why the Music Man tickets to the Muny and the Albert Pujol Doll? Well, it's a raffle to raise some gas money, of course. Muny tickets are box seats, for Music Man, Tuesday July 21. If you aren't a church member of don't plan on being at church before the show, we'll get these to you in time, if you should win! The Pujols doll, we'll mail anywhere in the world. ( Our blogmaster will mail it to you!)
Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Tell us which raffle you want your tickets to go in, and we'll see they get in the right drawing. Interested in donating on-line click here
Indicate in the message section the number of tickets you want to go to each raffle. Thanks!
Tickets will also be availale at the Simple Supper on July 8 and at the Outdoor Coffee Hour following worship on July 12. ( By the way, you're invited to both. Supper is at 6:30 pm on the second and fourth Wednesday, Worship is at 11am Sunday.)
1 comment:
thanks guys, we raised $101.00 for our trip!
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