Amazing Grace how sweet the sound.
That saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost but now I'm found.
Was blind but now I see
Another great time at VBS. Today's The power verse today was from Romans 12:13. "When God's people are in need, be ready to help them." Jesus gives us the power to Help Others! We talked a lot about trying to help others, sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard. We can only do our best, with God's help.

In Bible Blast Adventure we learned about Jesus giving sight to the blind man. You remember the story, it involves a hand full of dirt, mixed with a little spit, to make mud, and Jesus put it on the blind man's eyes. The man then washed the mud from his eyes at the pool and was able to see! We try to experience the real thing at VBS, so.....a little mud and spit in the eye....well, we were blindfolded, and tried to understand what being blind was like, our crew leaders smeared a little oatmeal on our foreheads...pretty gross really, and then they cleaned us up. We tried to understand how exciting it would be to be able to see , when we had never seen before. And we tried to understand how things such as, being busy, or distracted, stop us from helping others. A good story.....even if it was a little yucky, no real spit was involved, thank goodness,

We sang a lot in Sonic Sing and Play, our first station at Bible School. And we met our new Bible Buddy today, Sparki...pretty cute! "Amazing Grace" and "At The Name of Jesus" are great songs to sing.

And as usual we spent some time in Hyperspeed Games, playing Electic Attraction, Neutron Run, and Blind Basketball. Whewwww.....busy kids!

In Wacky Crafts we made a Gotcha Guy,the Gotcha Guy water bottle has two guys in it....and one is able to go down to the bottom and rescue the other....a great way to help some one! I
n Test Tube Treats we had some yummy Mucky Mud ( pudding and vanilla wafers, honest). And the question in Cinema Science.....What did Smardely turn into? ( You'll have to ask the kids!)
During Faith Fusion Finale ,"Light Woman" helped us discover that Jesus gives us the power to help others!!!! Check with your VBS attendees about the "Daily Challenge. More tomorrow!!